Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Psoriasis Care and Control - It's up to you!

Next month (May) will be my 23rd year with psoriasis and while I do not have a celebration planned I do have quite a bit to reflect upon.

Most of that time I felt as though I was the victim, like I was being punished for something I did not do and there was no escape, I shutter to recall those thoughts. Days turned to weeks, months, years and so on.

It is only in retrospect I am able to see things more clearly. I don't know why I expected it but I figured one day to either wake up and the scaly patches would be gone or I would hear news that a cure or control had been found.

Psoriasis beats you down and will keep you down if you let it. Yet it wasn't until I stopped being the victim that I actually started making progress against my disease. I adopted an "if not me than who" attituide, meaning if I am not going to make a difference in my own life, who is going to.

Lets face it, no one is going to show up at your door and announce the liberation from psoriasis you hope for, quite the oppsite, you have to go get it.

Allow me to point in the right direction. Not all dermatologists specialize in the treatment of psoriasis, this was a real eye opener for me. I am the most fortunate psoriasis patient on the planet, my derm is amazing but I have met dozens of patients who's dermatologist won't even discuss advanced treatment options. If you had a loved one with cancer, would you accept that level of care and treatment from an oncologist?

Its not just psoriasis, its an aweful disease that does terrible things to you, never allow it to become your normal, you deserve better, you dam well deserve better! So no matter what you tried yesterday if it did not work, try something different. I don't care if you go out and get a new moisturizer, different prescription, change dermatologists, write a letter to your government or join a support group, do something and keep doing it and one day you will wake up with your symptoms under control. And that my friends is worth everything it takes you to get there.

Psoriasis care and control is up to you!

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