Thursday, April 21, 2011

I have psoriasis

The number of people who can say that is amazing. The number that do is not.

Over the years we as individuals have watched in awe how different groups and causes have rallied their particular group with great success. What makes us any different? Nothing.

Together with a united voice we can increase awareness, drastically increase access to medication, provide vital support to one another and put and end to suffering which we all understand too well.

Please join me, add your voice to mine, this is not my campaign, it's ours. Together we can change the world for people who suffer from psoriasis. Isn't that worth our best effort? I believe it is!


  1. My name is Crystal Vieira and i have Psoriasis!

  2. My name is Leonard and I have psoriasis,but I think psoriasis has me for now but hopefully not for long
