Monday, May 9, 2011

Newly Diagnosed - So what's next?

Many of us can recall in some detail about the time we were first diagnosed with psoriasis. Arguably unless you knew someone with the disease you had no idea the sentence that has just been handed to you.

We often speak about the role of dermatologists but I think in a way family physicians have a responsibility to provide detailed information early in the process. I think it is important to know not just the physical symptoms that may/will occur but the emotional and psychological burden that befalls most psoriasis patients. It would reason that this would help patients prepare themselves for the long journey ahead and if combined with encouraging them to be proactive in the treatment of their disease it will likely still be difficult but more manageable.

It continues to astound me that there is so precious little information on the front lines about psoriasis, which is sad when you consider how long many have to wait before seeing a dermatologist. As experienced psoriasis patients, is there a role we can play to fill this vacuum?

1 comment:

  1. This is the prime reason why I founded (not alone) a support group dedicated to inform and raise awareness about the disease in Québec. I noticed this need too on the front line and since I have crossed the river myself, I believe I have a moral duty to contribute building that metaphorical bridge helping all psoriasis patients as best as I can going thru "the long journey" across this too often painful and sometimes deceiving stream.
