Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dermatologists - What role do they really play?

Now for what could be seen as a provocative post.

Most of us hold our health care providers in a regard that is often unquestioned. In my case I've only ever been treated by one dermatologist who, if you've visited my website, needs no further introduction. But it is his level of care and willingness to help me explore all treatment options that, as I have later learned, sets him apart.

Though it was my own ignorance I thought every psoriasis patient had the same access to information and treatment options I have. It wasn't until I was invited to be among other patients across Canada that I realized I am the most fortunate psoriasis patient in the country.

While I was glad for me, I was dismayed by the stories I heard from other patients and of their dermatologists attituide toward them and their disease. I was stunned to learn that there are literally dozens who won't even take the time to discuss treatment options that have been approved for use.

I have no nice way of saying it, that just pisses me off. While it may well be their medical pratice, it is our LIFE. How dare anyone, doctor or otherwise, dictate what level of suffering is acceptable, or limit the options available to them among approved treatments. It is the patients final decision. I have said before, I can accept if a doctor is uncomfortable with a particular treatment and will not perscribe it, but they have a responsibility to inform patients of all their options and then refer that person if they wish to use a treatment that doctor is not willing to prescribe.

It is beyond contempt that any heath care provider, being aware of approved treatment options, to not even discuss them or raise the awareness so that a patient can make an informed decision. I doubt those same individuals would find that same attituide acceptable if the roles were reversed.

So what role do dermatologists play? The good ones show the way, the others stand in the way.

There are lots of excellent dermatologists, make sure you get one of them and settle for nothing less.


  1. I know exactly how you feel and i love your saying "good ones show the way......"
    My dermatologist is someone i love cause he gave me back my life so i owe him alot. I dont understand how dermatologist are still giving percribed medications that are really not working and that makes you sick. Like we should be happy that they even gave us something. If this is you then dont stand for it , there are options out there so demand them. Take back your life !!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have a wonderful dermatologist too and feel very fortunate to have him. I know others are rushed in and rushed out but I can't say the same myself. Mine listens to my concerns, listens to my questions, informs me of medications and risk involved and tells me what's on it way. He takes pride in helping his patients. He has denied me treatment once, which kind of took me back a little bit being told no. However, he made me understand why he said no which I forgot about myself. This led me to believe he does absolutly have my best interest at heart. I had skin cancer in 2005 in which I had to get half my bottom lip removed. I asked for PUVA light treatment 3 years later in which he denied me. He explained that I have had so much light treatment for a man my age that he would be putting me at risk. He said he couldn't help but to feel somewhat responsible for my cancer, but I wouldn't say that personally. I took advantage of sunny days, a lot. He explained that it is still an option, but for emergency situations only. He reminded me that there is no cure and I have the rest of my life to go, which makes perfect sense to me. That shows he cares.
    I just lost my family doctor of 37 years due to retirement. I am now on a waiting list like thousands of others. I pray my dermatologist will be around for sometime yet but truth is, he is getting older as we all are. Canada has already a doctor shortage and it's starting to become a real dilemma. I don't know what I would do without my dermatologist. What would you do?
