Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Biologics - Treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis

While biologics are relatively new as a treatment for psoriasis they are, init of themselves, far from new in disease treatment. I have personally been a clinical trial patient on 3 of these and the most recent one (which is now approved and being very successfully used) have enjoyed the past 5+ years symptom free and side effect free too for that matter.

In the past year I've had a number of other psoriasis patients ask me if I was worried about what I was using or as they say it, putting in my body. My response often catches them off guard because I smile gentley and with a little laugh ask "are you serious?"

While I know they are, it's ment to bring the temprature down to a level where a good disussion can be had.

First thing I am asked is "what about side effects?" so I say "I've not experienced any, nor can I directly associate any adverse effect related to my treatment." Then I ask them, "Do you have any side effects with your current treatments?" When they say "no" I ask "are your symptoms under control" they say "not really" then I say "ah, those are side effects, so is the itch, scale, bleeding, depression, frustration and so on." Then I ask "have you ever read the side effect warning on a bottle of  pain killers or cough medicine?" most often they say "no" and I simply say "If you did you might not take it anymore."

99.9% of the time, the rest of the conversation is all about how to get access to biologics. There is no substutite for patient to patient experience and voice. Talking to patients and helping them understand and get perspective it a true joy and honour for me.

If you are using other treatments and they are working for you, thats great and I am very happy for you. I believe most psoriasis patients are tired of trying to treat the symptoms and often give up because it is so hard and most available topical treatments rarely work on moderate to severe cases. I equally believe the best option is to prevent the symptoms from occuring and get back to living a normal healthy life.

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