Monday, February 27, 2012

So its been a while......

I realize it has been quite a while since I've posted anything however I've come to learn there are times when even advocates get run down. I have discovered the that resolve required to live with psoriasis is required in being a psoriasis patient advocate and fortunately for me I have that.

What may shock some people, especially other psoriasis patients is some of the flack I've gotten for speaking up. Now don't get me wrong, there is a tremendous amount of genuine support from industry, the medical community and patient groups but some within those areas have been somewhat hostile which is really too bad for them because I am not going to stop.

One of the challanges I have encountered is trying to find other psoriasis patients, it would seem we are very adept at keeping a low profile. So I thought even though this group is small I'm sure I can ask, how can I reach out and find more of us? Your Thoughts?