Thursday, September 20, 2012

How Does Anyone Do It

Having Psoriasis is difficult

Having Psoriasis and trying to live a healthy and productive life with work and family is a challenge only those who have it understand.

Weaving between disease management, despair, hope, the fear of hope as well as the social and psychological struggles and strains then top it off with  the deep seated knowledge that no one really understands (other than people with psoriasis) and its a wonder any of us get out of bed.

But we do

We have to

If for no other reason than to encourage someone else who suffers just like we do and in doing so making their load a little lighter.

Monday, February 27, 2012

So its been a while......

I realize it has been quite a while since I've posted anything however I've come to learn there are times when even advocates get run down. I have discovered the that resolve required to live with psoriasis is required in being a psoriasis patient advocate and fortunately for me I have that.

What may shock some people, especially other psoriasis patients is some of the flack I've gotten for speaking up. Now don't get me wrong, there is a tremendous amount of genuine support from industry, the medical community and patient groups but some within those areas have been somewhat hostile which is really too bad for them because I am not going to stop.

One of the challanges I have encountered is trying to find other psoriasis patients, it would seem we are very adept at keeping a low profile. So I thought even though this group is small I'm sure I can ask, how can I reach out and find more of us? Your Thoughts?