Friday, July 22, 2011

What Scares You Most About Psoriasis Treatment

Over the years I've heard tons of other psoriasis patients talk about their fears with some psoriasis treatments. What I find most interesting is this fear is often based on mis information or complete lack of information. I always get the "What about the side effects?"

Well lets look at the facts. If you have psoriasis to the point where you cannot live a normal functioning lifestyle you are already experincing a ton of side effects of the phyical, mental and emotional type. Lots of us who have suffered for years make this our normal and say either "its not that bad" or "it could be worse" and while true, this is a defence mechinism, not a well though out reason to decline available treatment.

What is also interesting is people take a virtual mountain of prescription drugs for diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, respiratory, heart, arthritis and everything else without batting an eyelash. Why such an inequity? Is it because these diseases are seen or understood to be more severe? If your disease limits your quality of life I cannot understand why anyone would not want it safely treated.

In the end it is your life and your disease but I will say this let actual experience be your guide, talk to people who are being treated with whatever it is you are considering or want more information on there is no better source. I hope you too can be P free.